With the announcement of return to in-class learning in September for the provinces we operate in (AB, NS, ON, and SK), SOUTHLAND has put in place a comprehensive plan, consistent with Provincial Health and Education guidelines, to ensure our Safely Home promise to our passengers, customers, and employees is upheld. We can confidently say that the health and safety of these individuals and the communities in which we operate is, and always has been, our top priority.

What you can expect the new normal to look like on our buses and at our operations centres:


  • Providing drivers with Personal Protective Equipment and training aligned with their local Public Health Authority recommendations, which may include:
  • Hand sanitizers
  • Gloves
  • Masks
  • Face shields
  • Disinfectant
  • Thorough disinfection of the bus surfaces twice daily (after morning and afternoon runs).
  • Assigned seating and seating plans on every route.
  • Physical distancing while loading/unloading, including seating students from the back seats to the front seats of the bus and vise-versa.
  • Barring inclement weather, windows are to be left partially open, where feasible, to support incremental airflow.
  • Detailed protocols specific to symptomatic students and/or exposure.



  • Maintaining physical distancing and limiting the numbers of employees in a location at any given time.
  • Providing hand sanitizer at all entry/exit points.
  • Enhanced cleaning procedures, including thorough sanitization of high touch points throughout the day.
  • Continued communication to employees on any updates and information from their local Public Health Authority.
  • Proactive daily self assessment, which includes reiterated communication that in the event an individual is experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 they must self-isolate and follow the recommended steps from local health authorities until the criteria to discontinue home isolation are met.


SOUTHLAND remains committed to our Safely Home promise and hope the actions we are taking provide confidence in our dedication to the health and safety of our passengers, customers, and employees.