Auto Draft

Christmas Party 2021 Step 1 of 2 50% Name* First Last Employee Number:* Email* In order to safely hold this event and in conjunction with current Provincial Health Mandates, all guests attending the event must be fully vaccinated or able to provide a...

Back to School and Safely Home

With the announcement of return to in-class learning in September for the provinces we operate in (AB, NS, ON, and SK), SOUTHLAND has put in place a comprehensive plan, consistent with Provincial Health and Education guidelines, to ensure our Safely Home promise to...

Response to COVID-19

Important Notice re. Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario School Closure Announcement:    ONTARIO: On March 12, 2020, the Ontario Government announced that all publicly funded schools will be closed as of March 14, 2020. As a result, all  K-12 school busing is...